Tuesday, April 21, 2015

O How Time Flies !

Back in October, Ty and Erin announced their engagement....

On March 14, 2015... I became a MOTHER IN LAW !


Two year came and went... As of November 13, 2014, Paul came home from his mission!

It was the first time in five years, that we were all in NorCal together.  We had Thanksgiving together and we made sure to have pictures taken!


Christmas in Utah!!!

I must say, the best day in Utah was the day after Christmas.  We bundled up, grabbed the sleds and hit the infamous Murray hill!  As you can see ... nothing but smiles!  It was also the best day because I got sick and did not get out for the rest of the vacation!  I missed Erin's bridal shower.  I missed the Years celebrations, I did not completely recover until March... I have never been that sick in my entire life!


Easter In Utah!!!  

Let's not forget about Easter Dinner!  Gotta love a home cooked meal!


April 10, 2015, Cory Graduates With a Bachelor's degree in Sociology Cum Laude!  Cory will attending Washington University in the fall.  He has been accepted into the Occupational Therapy program for a PhD!  He's currently staying at our house until Michael moves into his new apartment in Hayward this weekend!  Yes... Michael got a new job in the Bay Area!  YAY!!!  He's working for Solar City in the Advertising department.  Only a few weeks in, he's been sent to film on location in Phoenix and Las Vegas!  Go Michael!!!

Like I said,"O How Time Flies!!!"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

How'd she forget that!?

In case you have not heard, Anika is back in public school!  With this, comes the good and the bad. The good... She loves being on the Cheer Squad, she loves being in classes with classmates and she loves not having a mom as a teacher.  The bad... homework... okay, there's not a whole lot of bad if it weren't that she keeps forgetting her homework at home.  She forgets it so frequently, that we have a secret homework spot under the church door mat outside the bishops office.  This way, she can get it on her way out of seminary before she heads across the street to school.

So yesterday, I get the all too familiar text as I'm heading home after dropping Ty off at BART.

7:12 am Anika: "Mom I forgot to put a bra on.  I need one now.  Like this second now."

7:13 am Anika: "A white one or a tan one please cause I'm wearing a white tank top under."

7:19 am Anika: "MOM!!!"

Remember, I'm on the road and it's illegal to text and drive.

7:20 am Mom: "Hehehehe! I think you can survive."

7:21 am Anika: "Yeah no. Mom bring one right now."


7:25 am Mom; "Im not at home yet.  Youre gonna have to wait til I get there. Heheheheheh hahahahahahaha!"

7:27 am Anika: "WELL GET HERE FAST"

7:33 am  Anika: "ARE YOU COMING YET?"

7:34 am Anika: "MOM HURRY"

7:35 am Mom: "U want me to put it in the secret spot or drop it off in the front office?"


7:39 am Anika: "ARE YOU HERE YET?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

7:39 am Anika: "MOM ARE YOU HERE GOSH?!?!? HURRY UP!"


7:41 am Mom: "In 3 min"

7:43 am Anika: "Well hurry up"

7:44 am Mom: "I'm at the church in the front."

The funniest part was when I was telling Rhett to hurry and get in the van.  With an exasperated sigh he says, "Little girl forgot her homework again?"  I tell him that she remembered her homework, but forgot to wear a bra.  With puzzled look on his face he says, "How'd she forget that!"

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fun Filled Week with the Watson's

Anika at the park
Laura, Trey and Ramona visited us last week.  As a very late, late minute Valentine'd say surprise, the flew in.  Our little secret was quickly blown when Ramon found Anika in bed, poked her in the eye and yelled, "Nika!"  Cover blown... But Anika was surprised!

We spent the week enjoying incredible spring weather with the cherry blossoms in full bloom!  We visited local parks, jumped on the trampoline, went hiking, fed the ducks, played frisbee, went to the Jelly Belly Factory (and bought 50 lbs of Jelly Flops), visited Cindy, James and the crew in Sacramento, explored the 99 Ranch Market and even discovered what I will call "Little Philappines".

It didn't matter where we were, there was plenty of food, fun and adventure.

We miss family so much.  So please drop by any time.  Our door is always open!

Trey, Anika and Ramon

Feeding the Ducks

Trey Playing Frisbee

Laura and Ramona at the Park

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Paul's last visit and Kelly's car

Having some picture fun during Paul's final visit home before he leaves on his mission.


Emily, "Hello?"
Kelly. "Guess who gets a new car?"
Emily, "San Pablo's giving you a city car?"
Kelly, "No. Some lady in a red Jaguar just ran into the side of my car. It's totalled."

This is Kelly's way of getting an upgrade on his car. We get a car stolen or someone rams into it and we use the insurance money plus a little savings and Kelly gets an upgrade.
Good-bye 1991 Honda...Hello 2003 Corolla!


Since I haven't been so diligent on doing this blog thing - I guess I'll have to play catch up.  Now that Anika does school at home, we get to spend a whole lotta time together. 

Anika studying History.
"I hate studying about dead people. Why can't we study about people like Steve Jobs." 
Mom, "Steve Jobs is dead."

. . . . .

Anika is a HUGE One Direction fan.  One day she says...
"Which guy from One Direction do you think is cute?"
My response...
"Wouldn't that be a little weird if I thought one of those guys was cute."
Reality check... You know you're getting old when teen boy band guys don't even appeal to you anymore. I think I prefer a more distinguished looking man.


I bought myself a new toy!  For 9 Bucks, I bought myself a remote for my camera. Notice Ty with his "Wallace" smile (Wallace from "Wallace and Grommit" of course) and me with the clicker in hand.  I can finally take and be in the pictures at the same time. 

Looks like someone else was having fun with my new "Clicker".